Catalog and Data Store

The Catalog and Data Store are using the same logic and syntax for access and query language. The database which holds the information is MongoDB. MongoDB is a schemaless document noSQL database. The query language that the API deploys is the json representation of MongoDB.

API Return Data Structure

The API returns data in a consistent structure.

  • count: number if result records returned

  • meta: page, page_size, pages

  • next and previous: urls to page through data

  • results: list of records return from API

          "count": 1, 
          "meta": {
              "page": 1, 
              "page_size": 50, 
              "pages": 1
          "next": null, 
          "previous": null, 
          "results": [

URL Parameters


The page_size returns the available records up to page_size. If more records exist, the next url value will be deployed.


If page_size=0 API will return all records.


The page variable will move to the page requested. If the page does not exist the last page will be shown.


  1. api (Default) - Return type is HTML format

  2. json - Return type is JSON format

  3. jsonp - Return type is JSONP format

  4. xml - Return type is xml format



The query url parameter is a JSON format query language. Please see below

Query Language

The API query language is based from the MongoDB pyhton query syntax.

Create Database and Collections

Create Database
    View: /api/data_store/data/  HTTP Request: Post
    Data: {"database":"mydata"}  Format: JSON
Delete Database
    View: /api/data_store/data/  HTTP Request: Post
    Data: {"action":"delete","database":"mydata"}  Format: JSON        
Create Collection
    View: /api/data_store/data/mydata  HTTP Request: Post
    Data: {"collection":"mycollection"}  Format: JSON
Delete Collection
    View: /api/data_store/data/mydata  HTTP Request: Post
    Data: {"action":"delete","collection":"mycollection"}  Format: JSON

Filter Query

The following examples are on the collection view.

Filter Query

    # Return fields (projection: 0,1)


Distinct Query

    # Include query parameter

MongoDb Aggregation

Please refer to MongoDB Documentation

    ?aggregate=[{"$match":{"status": "urgent"}},

Task Execution (celery)

The Celery Distributed Task Queue is integrated throught the RESTful API.

List of Available Tasks and Task History

    URL: /api/queue/
    Task History: /api/queue/usertasks/

Task Submission

    URL /api/queue/run/cybercomq.tasks.tasks.add/
    Docstring: Very import to give users the description of task. 
    Curl Example: Comand-line example with API token

Task HTML POST Data Requirement

        "function": "cybercomq.tasks.tasks.add",
        "queue": "celery",
        "args": [],
        "kwargs": {},
        "tags": []

function: task name queue: which queue to route the task args: [] List of argument kwargs: {} Keyword arguments tags: [] list of tags that will identify task run

Curl Command - Command-line Scripting

    curl -X POST --data-ascii '{"function":"cybercomq.tasks.tasks.add","queue":"celery","args":[],"kwargs":{  },"tags": []}' http://localhost/api/queue/run/cybercomq.tasks.tasks.add/.json -H Content-Type:application/json -H 'Authorization: Token < authorized-token > '

Python Script to Execute Script

    import requests,json

    headers ={'Content-Type':'application/json',"Authorization":"Token < authorized token >"}
    data = {"function":"cybercomq.tasks.tasks.add","queue":"celery","args":[2,2],"kwargs":{},"tags":["add"]}"http://localhost/api/queue/run/cybercomq.tasks.tasks.add/.json",data=json.dumps(data),headers=headers) 

Javascript JQuery $.postJSON

    //postJSON is custom call for post to cybercommons api
    $.postJSON = function(url, data, callback,fail) {
        return jQuery.ajax({
            'type': 'POST',
            'url': url,
            'contentType': 'application/json',
            'data': JSON.stringify(data),
            'dataType': 'json',
            'success': callback,
            'beforeSend':function(xhr, settings){
                xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", getCookie('csrftoken'));